Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guilt and Harry Potter slash.

I finished Ian's deities sari on Friday. Just as I planned.
I'm waiting on the yard and needles to arrive so I can get started on Ayo's hat.

I'm in the middle of writing two different fan fics.
And starting to read another that seems rather promising.

Corrine wants to hang out with me in the city. I feel bad because I have no way of getting her parents to say yes. I emailed Michele just like John said too. I refuse to give in and I say that I am sorry for telling John what was going on. It isn't my fault that she acts the way she does.
But now I have a 14 year old that thinks I don't care about her because I haven't seen her since the beginning of December. I feel like a jerk because I know those kids loved seeing me. And I have no way of seeing them unless I tell Michele I am sorry. Which I'm not and I refuse to lie and say that I am.
Poor Corrine Johnny and Alexa.
I love them, but I refuse to give up on my principles.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I cut my finger... again.

I am completely keyed up right now and it has nothing to do with the 5 cups of tea that I have consumed in the past 5ish hours.

I am slightly apathetic, and no that is not a joke. I have a chapter to finish and knitting that needs to be finished by it's deadline, Friday night.
I want more tea and even though there is a cup of it sitting on my coffee table less then two feet away I can't bring myself to drink it. Though to be fair that has less to do with me amazingly emo apathy and more to do with the mysterious floaty that I felt on my tongue when I took my last sip. Not to worry, I spit it out with a quickness and started yelling like a homeless person on 8th Ave when I felt it.
Turns out it was just a bit of green onion from last nights supper. But the damage has been done and I need to make a fresh pot of tea because I refuse to drink the tea in my cup.

I'm sitting here listening to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and wishing I had that song, Angel of the Morning on my ipod...which is about to die. I really need to charge it but the charger isn't within reach and I have that whole apathy thing going on.

Gods above I am lazy this morning. I can't even blame it on the rain and gray skies because I grew up with it. blah.